Speaking of traditions, I can't help but take Design Mom's advice and plant real grass in our Easter Baskets this year, and every year in the future. Right now I am narrowing down my options of what container to use for Pinkie (my four year old daughter.) She is super girly, so I'm not sure if one of my natural colored baskets will do. I think I will shop around for something more pinkish and get a masculine bucket for my one year old, Junior. I also want to plant some containers to use around the house. I can't wait for the life it will add after the long and dreary winter we have had. I am planning on doing my planting on Saturday, but for now here's a list of the items I am getting together for the project:
- containers (baskets or buckets)
- foil or other material to line basket
- pebbles for drainage
- potting soil
- wheat grass or cat grass (cat nip) seeds
I will post again early next week about how the planting went. In the meantime if you want to get going on your own baskets here are a few links with instructions.
Design Mom, Creative Kids at Home, Wikihow, and Mother Earth News.
A side note: a few years ago I was in charge of decorating a table at a church event. There were 12 tables, one for each month, and I was assigned March. I was sure glad since I only own green dishes. Anyhow, I planted cat nip in clear plastic cups to set at each setting. It turned out great. The grass grew easily even though I didn't put anything in the bottom of the cups for drainage. Since I used clear plastic cups you could see the rich brown soil, and the roots which added even more texture. I wish I had a photo, but the grass grew so well, and so long, that I ended up tying the tops together with string so the blades wouldn't flop over. This would be great at Easter dinner!
I was wanting to do the grass thing too - last year I saw that Design Mom's sister, Jordan, did grass pots at a church party - I've wanted to try them ever since. Here are her pictures of the party:
and here are her instructions:
Be sure to post pictures of how your baskets turn out!!
Thanks for links bubbles! I checked them out and they were awesome. That woman can sure throw a party!
Good idea!! I love it.
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